What Is Fever: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and How to Treat?
Fever's Definition
Fever is a natural body reaction to trying fight a virus or infection. Fever is not considered a disease but is usually a symptom of a health disorder or infection. Part of the brain called the hypothalamus serves to control our body temperature. When the body confronts a particular disease or virus, the hypothalamus will increase the body temperature to improve the ability of the immune system in fighting infection.
What is the normal temperature of the human body?
In healthy adults, normal temperature can be identified by four body parts. Rectum or anus / rectum, mouth (oral), ear (otik), or armpit (axilla). The normal rectal temperature range is 34.4-37.8 ° C while the normal mouth temperature is 33.2-38.2 ° C. On the other hand, the normal ear temperature is 35.4-37.8 ° C, and the normal armpit temperature is 35.5-37.0 ° C.
but it is important to note that normal body temperature depends on other factors such as gender, age, activity level, and other things. High temperatures do not always mean fever. For example, when a person exercises, the body temperature has a tendency to rise but will still be considered normal. However, in some people, even the normal temperature range can already be considered a fever. Thus, it is important to note the basic temperature of a person before it is called a fever.
Fevers Various
Fever can be classified into different categories according to the duration or temperature level. The general categories of fever are as follows:
- Hyperpireksia: When the body temperature reaches or exceeds 41.5 ° C. The case is considered emergency.
- Chronic fever: If the fever lasts for more than three days or occurs frequently.
- Fever between (intermitten): when the body temperature rises and falls to a normal level back in the 1-3 days.
- Remitter: used to describe a recurring fever periodically.
- Fixed: fever Describes a low-grade fever is not increased or decreased more than one degree within 24 hours.
Fevers Causes
Causes of fever that are not associated with serious health conditions are usually caused by:
- Virus infection
- Fatigue from heat
- Bacterial infection
- Affected by the heat of the sun
- Inflammatory conditions
- Immunization or vaccine injection
- Certain medications and antibiotics are used to treat seizures and high blood pressure
Fevers Medication and Treatment at Home
If the fever does not result in the situation described above, some non-prescription medicines can help lower a person's temperature. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are both effective in reducing fever. Some people may still have aspirin in their home, but this is not the medicine of choice to treat fever. Aspirin should not be given to children or adolescents because it has been shown to cause disorders.
If you return a fever after taking the medicine, the best way is to seek medical help to identify the cause of the fever correctly. Taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen for long periods of time can have side effects and cause liver failure.
In general, people with known illnesses should consult a doctor rather than try home remedies, as the fever may be a sign of worsening conditions.
If fever is caused by hyperthermia, heat-induced attack, or heat-induced fatigue, none of these medicines can heal. The patient needs to be cooled immediately by keeping him away from the hot environment first, removing his clothes, and then using a wet sponge to his body to lower the temperature. This will help in an emergency, but doctor help still needs to be done.
Dehydration can also cause fever. In this case, the patient should be given fluids as soon as possible. Cooling the patient with a damp sponge can also worsen the situation because it not only makes the patient feel uncomfortable, but this technique can also cause the patient to shiver and even increase body temperature if the cause of the fever is an infection.
If you return a fever after taking the medicine, the best way is to seek medical help to identify the cause of the fever correctly. Taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen for long periods of time can have side effects and cause liver failure.
In general, people with known illnesses should consult a doctor rather than try home remedies, as the fever may be a sign of worsening conditions.
If fever is caused by hyperthermia, heat-induced attack, or heat-induced fatigue, none of these medicines can heal. The patient needs to be cooled immediately by keeping him away from the hot environment first, removing his clothes, and then using a wet sponge to his body to lower the temperature. This will help in an emergency, but doctor help still needs to be done.
Dehydration can also cause fever. In this case, the patient should be given fluids as soon as possible. Cooling the patient with a damp sponge can also worsen the situation because it not only makes the patient feel uncomfortable, but this technique can also cause the patient to shiver and even increase body temperature if the cause of the fever is an infection.
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