
3 Simple Things Body Treatments With Maximum Results

In general, people will focus more on facial care than the body. This is because the face is always noticed by others. The face becomes the first standard to measure one's attractiveness. However, the skin of the body also requires maximum care to get a more perfect beauty. The skin of the body also needs to be treated properly so that its health can be maintained and various skin health problems are not easy to arise.

As with facial treatments, on skin care, there are also several steps that must be done, including cleaning, moisturizing, lifting dead skin cells, and nourish the skin. Perform complete skin care steps and routine to give optimal results in the form of clean, healthy, smooth, fresh, toned and glowing skin.

Body skin care includes the following:

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1. Daily Treatment Body Skin

The first skincare step is to cleanse the skin. This step is done by bathing twice a day on a regular basis. Bathing is useful to cleanse the body from sweat and all kinds of dirt attached to the skin. Bathing twice a day also helps shed dead skin cells that are on the surface of the skin.
Bathing is also capable of blood circulation. Another benefit of bathing is to provide a sense of calm and comfort that can help reduce stress and fatigue in the body.

With skin always clean, dead skin cells that help to decay, smooth blood circulation, and psychological tranquility and reduced fatigue, in the end, can make healthy skin glow.

Light massage while bathing the blood circulation in the body more optimally. Massage is done in turns on the abdomen, arms and thighs using soap. Then continue the message on the sidelines of the fingers and toes. This can provide a relaxing effect and reduce fatigue.

Other parts that need to get a fine massage when bathing is the ears, the back of the neck, and the back of the shoulder. To avoid the appearance of back acne, the back should be cleaned carefully.
Choose a mild soap and do not dry skin.

After bathing, dry the body using a clean towel and dry gently. Avoid rubbing the body with a towel roughly.

The next step is to moisturize, use the body lotion after each bath to the entire body. The right time to use moisturizer is when the condition of the body is half wet, so the moisturizer can be absorbed perfectly by the body.
The last is to use sunscreen to protect the skin from the sun which causes dry and damaged skin.

2. Weekly Treatments Body Skin

a. Treatment Body Skin with Body Scrubbing

The third step in skin care is the exfoliation or removal of dead skin cells. This step is done by Body Scrubbing. By doing Body Scrubbing, dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin will be lifted so that it becomes clean, fresh and glowing.
body scrubbing
 Body Scrubbing does not need to be done every day, just once or twice a week. Too often do Body Scrubbing can damage the surface of the skin resulting in the skin becomes dry, rough and scaly.

There are many scrub products circulating in the market, both in the form of liquid, powder and body scrubs. In addition to buying finished products, scrubs can also be made with natural ingredients.

See: Easy Ways to Make Natural Body Scrub at Home

b.Treatment Body Skin with Body mask

The fourth step of skin care is to nourish the skin. The trick is to do a body mask. The difference body mask with Body Scrubbing lies in the benefits of each of these treatments. A body mask is useful to nourish the skin, while Body Scrubbing serves to remove dead skin cells.

To do body mask is needed the help of others. This is because to apply a mask to the whole body would be difficult if done alone. That's why many women prefer treatment at the beauty salon because it is more practical.

Actually, body mask treatments can be done at home, with a note there that helps apply masks to the whole body and massage. Families or relatives, or people who work as masseuses the people who are very likely to be asked for help to do body mask.

 Steps to do body mask at home are as follows:
- We recommend a body mask done a series with Body Scrubbing. Scrubb serves to open the pores of the skin. Thus, nutrients from the mask will be easily absorbed by the skin if done after Body Scrubbing.
- After the scrub is done, make sure the body has been rinsed and in a clean condition to continue with the body mask treatment.
- Do light massage, but avoid the use of oil because it can reduce the absorption of nutrients from the mask used.
- Apply mask to back using a brush, wait to half dry mask, then turn around and apply the mask to all body except face. Wait until the mask dries.
- Peel masks using hands. To clean the remnants of the mask that is still attached to the body, use a towel half wet and gently rub until there is no remaining mask remaining. Avoid rubbing the towel hard.
- End this treatment with a warm bath without using soap. Body mask can be done every two weeks. Regular maintenance will make the skin look clean, fresh and radiant.

3. Treatments Body Skin with Extra care

In addition to daily and weekly grooming treatments, to pamper the body and get healthy skin with a bright and fresh look can be done extra care, namely with a spice bath.

Spice bath is also useful for relaxation, refreshing the body, eliminating fatigue, eliminating body odor, helps remove dirt on the skin, making skin smooth, youthful, and blood circulation.
Bathing herbs can also help overcome various skin complaints such as itching, pimples, and ulcers.
Bathing herbs can be done in beauty salons, but can also be done alone at home using ingredients that formulated themselves.

The ingredients that can be used for spice bath include: turmeric, betel leaf, fragrant root, sandalwood, cinnamon, tea leaves, secang, temu giring, mesoyi, temulawak, roses, jasmine and ylang. These materials can be bought in traditional markets.

The spices are boiled with 2 liters of water. Allow to boil and wait 5 minutes. Remove and mix with cold water to taste. Then use to bathe and soak.

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