
Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment of Impetigo

Causes of Impetigo

Impetigo is caused mainly by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. These bacteria can transmit the disease through direct physical contact with an infected person or through an intermediary, such as clothes, towels, napkins, and so forth that used to be patient.

People who have a wound will be more quickly infected with this bacteria, such as wounds from insect bites, falling, or cutting sharp objects. It could also be due to injuries caused by other skin infections, such as eczema, scabies, or flea infections.
Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment of Impetigo

Other factors that can increase the risk of transmission of impetigo include:

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  • Perform activities that are vulnerable to skin contacts, such as martial arts, basketball, or soccer.
  • Dense environment. Bacterial impetigo disease is more easily transmitted in a crowded environment where the intensity of interaction of people is high.
  • Childhood age. Impetigo is more common in children aged 2-5 years, where their immune system has not formed perfectly.
  • The temperature is moist and warm. The bacteria that cause impetigo are easier to breed in humid and warm places.
  • Weak immune system Tubu Weak immune system will make a person susceptible to bacteria.
  • Have diabetes. The injury suffered by diabetics will facilitate the impetigo bacteria to enter and infect the skin.
  • Has an open wound on the skin. Germs that cause impetigo can enter through small cuts on the skin surface, such as insect bites or skin rashes.

Diagnosis Impetigo

To confirm the designation of impetigo, doctors can solely see visible signs on the infected skin. Laboratory tests area unit sometimes performed as long as symptoms of impetigo still deteriorate despite medication to work out if microorganism area unit proof against antibiotics. Additionally, laboratory tests may additionally  be undertaken if the doctor suspects alternative diagnoses that recommend similar skin lesions, like herpes.

Treatment of Impetigo

Most cases of impetigo  will heal by itself at intervals a amount of 1 to a few weeks while not treatment. If necessary, impetigo  are often treated with antibiotics, either antibiotics or drinking antibiotics.

Antibiotic smear is employed if the infection is delicate, set in one space, and has not unfold anyplace. whereas drinking antibiotics square measure used if symptoms of impetigo  cannot be treated with a topical antibiotic, the condition gets worse, and spreads to alternative elements.

Usually aspect effects of antibiotic use smear happens round the space of skin dirty , for instance, itching, skin becomes ruddy, and irritation. whereas the aspect effects which will occur once taking antibiotics to drink is symptom, nausea, and emesis.

If treatment with antibiotics has no impact, the doctor can examine infected skin samples within the laboratory to visualize if there's Associate in Nursingy chance of an infection of the malady apart from impetigo . Laboratory tests additionally ought to be done if impetigo  typically recurs.

Usually impetigo  relapse as a result of there square measure still microorganism nesting in sure areas, like the nose, very easy to infect the encircling areas that happened to be dislocated. If verified true, then the microorganism ought to be eradicated with a special antiseptic drug which will be used on the nose.

Prevention of Impetigo

Transmission of impetigo can be prevented in several ways, including:
  1. Avoid physical touch with the patient. Physical touch directly with the sufferer or sharing the use of goods with them, such as towels, clothes, mattresses, or cutlery.
  2. Always keep skin clean. Maintaining skin hygiene reduces the risk of transmission of impetigo, especially those with open sores, such as sharp cuts, scratches, or even other skin lesions, such as eczema.
  3. Cleaning stuff. After use, it's good things washed clean so that bacteria die. This can reduce the risk of transmission of impetigo diseases.
  4. Do not touch the wound. Avoid contact with injuries or scabs due to impetigo, especially with scratching, to avoid the spread of bacteria through the hands.
  5. Rest. Do not engage in activities such as cooking, parenting, or cleaning the house until infection is fully restored. Expand rest for infection quickly disappear.
  6. Washing hands. Do not forget to always wash your hands after finishing impetigo with a topical antibiotic and cover the wound impetigo with gauze bandages.
  7. Avoid public areas. Avoid public places that are prone to bacterial transmission during impetigo or at least two days after treatment begins.
Read Also >>> Impetigo

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