
10 Natural Phlegm Cough Medicine that is Easy to Find

If you have a cough with phlegm do not have to be too hasty to buy medicine in the store try to check your kitchen first if there is one of 10 traditional cough / natural medicine that we will describe below try to make your own cough medicine phlegm. Please read carefully:

The first cough medicine is the flower of Averrhoa bilimbi.
Flower of Averrhoa bilimbi: The first cough medicine is the flower of Averrhoa bilimbi. Averrhoa bilimbi very useful to treat cough with phlegm in addition to easy to get any way that is easy, take about a handful.
flower of Averrhoa bilimbi, some grains of fennel sugar stone to taste brewed these ingredients with a cup of boiling water, after the cold than in the filter then treat your cough with phlegm drinking brewed water.
Flower Averrhoa bilimbi traditional medicine/cure heal cough with phlegm
Starfruit wuluh treat a cough with phlegm

The next natural cough medicine is ginger tea
Ginger tea: The next natural cough medicine is ginger tea. How to Treat a cough with phlegm it does not need to bother enough to make yourself with you drinking tea mixed with ginger is enough to be a cough with your phlegm. or to make it more efficacious how to brew tea with boiling water then while waiting for cold grated ginger and grab the water then mix it with water steamed tea that has been filtered and drinks while warm.
Ginger tea traditional medicine / natural cure cough with phlegm
Ginger tea treats a cough with phlegm naturally.

Turmeric does have many benefits and benefits other than as a natural anti-biotic turmeric can also be used as a cough medicine phlegm
Turmeric: Turmeric does have many benefits and benefits other than as a natural anti-biotic turmeric can also be used as a cough medicine phlegm. how very easy just mix 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric that has been shredded or pounded on a glass of milk. and drink while warm.
Turmeric as a traditional cough medicine / natural
turmeric traditional cough / natural

White pepper and honey are a traditional natural cough medicine

Honey and white pepper: White pepper and honey are a traditional natural cough medicine that is powerful enough to treat a cough with phlegm, it is because pepper and honey provide a warm sensation so that the phlegm in the throat will be liquid and cough can be overcome quickly. how to make phlegm cough with honey and pepper this is mix the white pepper that has been mashed sufficiently on a tablespoon of honey then immediately drink. In a short time, the cough subsided.

Lime: in addition to health Lime is usually used to remove acne is a traditional cough medicine that has long been known by the people before, until now. how to make it easy enough that is: a spoon of water lime juice, honey 3 tablespoons, and warm water 5 tablespoons mixed into one 30 minutes time. take this medicine 2 times a day 1 teaspoon. or can also lemon juice mixed with soy sauce and drink 2 times a day 1 teaspoon.

Young sour leaves: Young acid leaves are also very well used as cough medicine with phlegm. the way a handful of young acid leaves, sweet saga leaves, cinnamon to taste, and sugar cubes sufficiently, all the ingredients are boiled so one until cooked and then filtered. cough medicine phlegm ready to drink.

Betel leaf: Betel leaf indeed has a great benefit and benefits for health and beauty one of them to get rid of acne was in addition to that betel leaves can also be used as a cough medicine phlegm naturally. how to take about 5 pieces of betel leaf, mixed with Round Cardamom, cloves, cubeb and cinnamon. boil all the ingredients with 2 glasses of water wait until cooked until the water shrinks up to approximately 1 1/2 glasses. take this medicine 3 times a day 1 tablespoon.

Basil Leaves: Benefits of basil leaves other than nutritious to eliminate body odor is also beneficial to cure a cough with phlegm. The easy way, boiled approximately 5 pieces of basil leaves with 1 cup of water wait until cooked, drink this herb cough phlegm was recovered quickly.

Roses: Besides efficacious for the beauty of roses turned out to be useful as a cough medicine phlegm naturally. how to provide 10 grams of fresh roses then the team with enough water to drink and mix with enough sugar stone. drink twice a day.

Warm water: Drink plenty of warm water can also relieve a cough with phlegm quickly. drink warm water every time you a cough then the sputum will easily melt and cough subsides.

That's 10 powerful traditional cough medicine to cough with natural phlegm, but choose one of the 10 ingredients that you think are the easiest to get and the most efficacious, so that your cough heal quickly.

But there are some things that must be noted that a cough is a relatively common condition experienced, but if there are some of the following symptoms occur to you should you check the doctor among others:
  • If a cough with phlegm does not heal more than a week
  • If the sputum that comes out is dark green or pink foamy
  • If there is blood in the sputum out.
  • If a cough with phlegm accompanied by high fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, weight loss, rash, breath sounds (wheezing) headaches are continuous.
  • If you smoke and cough you get worse at night.
  • if suddenly there are symptoms of a headache, muscle aches, and fatigue.

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