
Here are 8 Bad habits that damage the skin that you do not realize.

Skin has a very important function, both for the health of the body as a whole or from the aesthetic or beauty. However, with such a remarkable function, the skin is also very easy to experience health problems or problems that will reduce its beauty. One of the factors that cause many people to experience problems or disorders of the skin is the bad habits they do.
The following are bad habits that can result in damage to health or decrease skin quality.

1. Does not protect skin from sun exposure.

Leaving the skin exposed to sunlight without wearing other protectors such as wide caps, sunglasses, umbrellas, or long-sleeved shirts is a habit most people like to do. In fact, exposure to excessive sunlight can be very damaging to the skin, such as skin becomes burning, redness and sore, dry, dull, black stains appear, even sunlight is one cause of skin cancer.

2. Sleep without cleaning the makeup.

Tired and sleepy after a long activity often makes people feel lazy to clean face before bed. They go to bed with the rest of the makeup and the rest of the dirt on the face. Dirt and residual makeup that is not cleaned it will go into the pores and cause a blockage that will eventually lead to acne.

3. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can accelerate the aging process of the skin. The wrinkles will quickly arise, the skin becomes dry and dull, and dark circles around the eyes will appear.

4. Rub skin too hard

Rubbing the skin hard, either during cleaning or while cleaning with a towel, can cause the skin to lose moisture to dryness, irritation, even injury.

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5. Do not use moisturizer

Many factors cause skin moiety humidity, such as the use of soap. Contact with detergent, sun exposure, weather, too much warm bath, and rubbing the skin too hard when cleaning or drying. The skin that loses moisture will dry, dull, scaly, itchy, and lose elasticity. The moisturizer helps the skin not to lose moisture.

6. Unhealthy diet

The body needs a complete and balanced nutritional intake to stay healthy, as well as the skin. Inadequate nutritional needs and too many oily, brewed, sweet, or processed foods, in addition to disrupting the overall health of the body, also reduce the quality of the skin.

7. Consume alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic beverages can cause the skin to become dry and wrinkles easily appear.

8. Smoking

Bad habits that damage the skin

Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals. Cigarette smoke will make the skin deprived of oxygen and nutrients so pale or uneven color. The chemicals contained in cigarettes also damage collagen and elastin which gives skin suppleness and elasticity. When the elasticity and elasticity is reduced, the skin becomes sagging and deep wrinkles appear. Another effect of smoking is the appearance of black spots on the face.

Thus bad habits that damage the skin that you do not realize, hopefully by knowing these bad habits, we will always maintain our skin health.

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