
Skin Structure

The skin is a wonderful body orgn. As the most visible part of the body, the skin becomes the source of beauty and the allure of a person. As the outermost part of the body, the skin performs a function of protection, which protects the body from various adverse effects coming from outside.

Another amazing thing about the skin is its ability to keep on regenerating, replacing dead skin cells with new skin cells. Skin is also remarkable because it can heal yourself from various disorders that are mild, such as minor injuries or irritation.

With such an important role, it is proper that the skin is maintained and maintained. Not only facial skin and the open part, but the skin throughout the body must get the attention and optimal care to always look beautiful. Understanding the structure and function of the skin can be a first step in the overall set of care and maintenance efforts to maintain skin health.
Skin Structure

The skin structure consists of two layers, the epidermis and the dermis. An explanation of epidermal skin and dermis skin will be described in detail in the following explanation.
skin layer epidermal

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1. Epidermal Skin Layer

The epidermal layer is the outer skin. The epidermal layer is also known as the epidermis layer. The epidermis layer consists of five layers, namely:

a. Stratum corneum

Stratum corneum is also known as the horn layer. Stratum corneum or horn layer is the outermost layer of skin on which the cells are already mat (not having blood vessels). This horn layer is easily peeled off and replaced by new cells.

b. Stratum lusidium

Stratum lusidium is located directly under the Lapisa Stratum Korneum. This layer is usually found on the thick skin, the skin of the palms and feet, and not visible on thin skin.

c. Stratum granulosum

Stratum granulosum is under the lusidium layer (in the palms of the hands and feet). This layer consists of layers of granular cells that will eventually die, then pushed upwards into a layer of horns.

d. Stratum spinosum

Stratum spinosum serves to resist friction from the outside. Thus, these spinosum stratum cells are widely present in areas with the potential for friction such as the soles of the feet.

e. Stratum basale.

Stratum basale or Stratum germinativum is the lowest layer of the epidermis. Germinativum layer is a layer that contains the active cells that membntuk new skin cells, replacing dead skin cells in the corneum layer. This layer is where the presence of melanin pigment. This pigment determines the color of one's skin and protects the skin tissue from the dangers of ultraviolet light.

2. Dermis Skin Layer

Dermis Skin Layer is a layer of skin that lies beneath the epidermal layer. Dermis layer is also known as the skin layer of hides. In the dermis layer of the skin, there are blood vessels, muscle tissue, sweat glands, hair, hair follicles, oil glands and nerve fibers.

Under the dermis layer there is a layer of hypodermis or subcutis tissue. The hypodermis layer mainly contains fat tissue, blood vessels, and nerve fibers. The function of the subcutaneous tissue or the hypodermic layer is for heat insulation, bearing against trauma and the accumulation of energy.

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