
Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Cancer

How to investigate and diagnose Skin Cancer?

If you see suspicious spots or moles, immediately consult your doctor. If you are suspected of having skin cancer, your doctor will advise you to undergo a biopsy process. This medical action is quick and simple. You will be given local anesthesia; the doctor will take a little sample of your skin from a suspicious area. A biopsy wound will then be sewn to help heal the wound. The sample will be sent to the laboratory where the pathologist will check it with the help of a microscope. It takes about a week to get the results.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Cancer

What are the treatment measures against Skin Cancer?

Treatment of skin cancer may vary depending on the size, type, location, and stage of cancer. The doctor will use a treatment technique that is appropriate to the condition of the related illness.


Occasionally, skin cancers can be removed during the biopsy process and no further treatment is necessary. If the cancer is large or has spread beyond the skin surface, more tissues need to be removed.

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Mohs Surgery

This treatment action is a microscopically controlled surgical action to remove cancer cells without the need to remove excessive healthy tissue. Skin growth is lifted layer by layer and examined with the help of a microscope. Lifting continues until no cancer cells are observed. This procedure is used to treat large skin cancers that have penetrated into the skin or have repeatedly occurred. This action is also used to treat skin cancer in areas that are difficult to treat, such as in the area near the eyes.

Krio Surgery

Crypto surgery is often used for patients who are unable to undergo other types of surgical operations. This surgical action is performed by clotting techniques. Liquid nitrogen is sprayed onto skin cancer to freeze and kill the cancer. The wound will be sore and red for several days and can blister. The dead tissue will then peel off. The healing process can take up to several weeks. This treatment can leave a white scar.

Electrodesication and curettage

This treatment action is commonly done to treat superficial basal cell cancer. Local anesthesia is administered around the lump or where the cancer is located, and the cancer is removed with a curette. Electric current applied to the skin to stop the bleeding in the area and destroy the remaining cancer cells. The wounds from this action will heal within a few weeks, leaving a pale scar.


This treatment is often used when skin cancer is too large for surgery to perform. In general, anticancer drugs such as Imiquimod or Fluorouracil (5-FU) are applied directly to the skin to destroy cancer cells by stimulating the immune system. Chemotherapy is usually applied as much as once or twice a day for six weeks. The treated skin can become reddish, itchy, painful, and may develop a scab. However, the side effects of this treatment will heal over time and leave no scars.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT)

PDT uses a special light source and cream applied to skin cancer to kill cancer cells. This action is mainly used to treat cancers located on or near the skin surface.
First of all, a light-sensitive cream is applied to the skin surface and after a few hours has passed, light is illuminated to the spot. The treated area will be covered with bandages to protect it from light. Sometimes PDT needs to be repeated within 2-4 weeks. People using PDT treatment methods should avoid direct sunlight for at least six weeks after treatment. After PDT, the skin will usually heal quickly and without leaving a scar.
Some people may experience pain during PDT, especially if done in the face area. Patients may be given local anesthesia before PDT is done to help relieve the pain.


Radiotherapy uses one or several doses of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. This action is generally done to an elderly person or those who can not undergo surgery. Also often done in areas of the skin where surgery is difficult to do, such as eyelids, nose, forehead, ears, or cancer that has developed into the skin. This treatment action can also be done to treat cancer that has appeared many times.

See more articles:
  1. Causes of Skin Cancer 
  2. Various kinds of Skin Cancer
  3. How To Prevent Skin Cancer
  4. What causes skin cancer?
  5. What are the symptoms of Skin Cancer?
  6. How to investigate and diagnose Skin Cancer
  7. Treatment action against Skin Cancer 
  8. How to care for Skin Cancer patients 
  9. Skin Cancer in the Head
  10. Skin Cancer Face

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