
All About Skin Cancer

The skin is the most external organs that protect the human body from the surrounding environment.
The skin is made up of millions of cells. Along with lifestyle changes in an unhealthy direction, the increasing radiation of ultraviolet light, the consequences of certain toxins, as well as genetic factors, resulted in the development of uncontrolled growth cells which are commonly referred to as cancer cells.

Skin cancers can be classified into three major types: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and Malignant Melanoma. More than 3.5 million cases of skin cancer are found in the United States and make skin cancer the most cancer in the country.

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Diagnosis of skin cancer can be established from anamnesis, clinical examination by looking at skin euplorescence, investigation such as dermoscopy, and histopathology examination as gold standard. Treatment of skin cancer consists of surgical and non surgical therapy with a prognosis tailored to the type of cancer experienced.

All About Skin Cancer

Definition of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a disease caused by the changing properties of normal skin cell constituents to be malignant, in which cells will continue to divide into an abnormally uncontrolled form due to DNA damage.1,2,3 When viewed in terms of histopatologik has a structure which is irregular with differentiation of cells in various levels in chromatin, nucleus, and cytoplasm.

Skin cancer is a common cancer. The incidence rate of skin cancer worldwide has increased rapidly. Although the incidence rate in Hong Kong is much lower than in other parts of the Western world (Europe and the United States), the number of new cases continues to increase each year.

This may be due to increased participation in outdoor activities and an increasingly aging population. According to the Hong Kong Cancer List from the Hospital Authority, there were 257 new cases of skin cancer in 2003 and 558 new cases by 2013. In other words, this number nearly doubled between 2003 and 2013. Non-melanoma skin cancer , the most common type of skin cancer, became one of the top 10 types of cancer in Hong Kong. This cancer increased from the 11th position in 2003 to the 7th position in 2013.

Although the incidence of skin cancer is quite high, the mortality caused by it is not too high. Because the skin is the organ that most can see the naked eye, it is easy for us to detect any abnormalities in the skin. Therefore, skin cancer can be treated early. If you notice any unusual changes to your skin, you should visit and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Early detection will increase the chances of successful treatment performed.

Here I will explain more details about skin cancer.
  1. Causes of Skin Cancer 
  2. Various kinds of Skin Cancer
  3. How To Prevent Skin Cancer
  4. What causes skin cancer?
  5. What are the symptoms of Skin Cancer?
  6. How to investigate and diagnose Skin Cancer
  7. Treatment action against Skin Cancer 
  8. How to care for Skin Cancer patients 
  9. Skin Cancer in the Head
  10. Skin Cancer Face

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