This 6 breakfast menu can make you be fat
Breakfast is the most important meal time in a day. Breakfast
Not only gives you an energy boost to start a new day, but breakfast is
also linked to so many health benefits - including weight control and
narrowing the risk of diabetes as well as heart disease.
But if the days of waistline feel more stretched, your breakfast menu may be the culprit.
This is the breakfast menu that causes fat.
Breakfast cereals also contain lots of sugar. In fact, sugar is a material that usually comes first or second in the composition list. The higher the order of an ingredient in the composition list, the greater the quantity used. Cereal pack breakfasts can generally contain up to about 20 grams or more of sugar in a serving serving. "Healthy" breakfast cereals, such as granola and packaged energy bars, are also spared the mark. High sugar intake may increase the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic health conditions.
baked margarine bread may seem like a good breakfast menu choice when
compared to other menus above because it contains no sugar or saturated
fat. However, even plain white bread can be a breakfast menu that can make the waist added stretched for two important reasons.First, white bread products sold on the market are made almost entirely of white wheat flour. White bread is high in refined carbohydrates and low in fiber, so toast can boost your blood sugar levels. Increased blood sugar leads to snacking habits throughout the day as
it makes you hunger faster, which can get you a few extra pounds
instead.Secondly, most of the margarine spreads contain trans fats, which is the most unhealthy type of fat. Until
now there has been no successful research showing trans fats cause
certain damage, but certainly trans fats are guaranteed bad for health. There is a large amount of evidence that trans fats are highly inflamed and increase the risk of various types of diseases.
Fried rice is a breakfast menu of a million people. But although a favorite, fried rice is a source of high cholesterol. A plate of fried rice is rich in calories and fat. The amount of oil used to fry is a factor that plays a major role in determining the final fat content. Adding slices of fatty meat also increases fat levels, especially if the meat has been fried before being put in the rice.A plate of fried rice can also be made with a variety of additional sauces that are usually made with oil. Due to the wide variety of preparation methods, ingredients, and portion size of fried rice, its fat content is reported to vary from 3 g to 40 grams.
But if the days of waistline feel more stretched, your breakfast menu may be the culprit.
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1. Sweet cereal
Many people think that packaged breakfast cereals are a nutritious choice for both children and adults. Commercial breakfast cereals often include cliche health jargon, such as "containing whole grains". In fact, these cereals are highly processed complicated in the factory so that only contains little residual from whole grains.Breakfast cereals also contain lots of sugar. In fact, sugar is a material that usually comes first or second in the composition list. The higher the order of an ingredient in the composition list, the greater the quantity used. Cereal pack breakfasts can generally contain up to about 20 grams or more of sugar in a serving serving. "Healthy" breakfast cereals, such as granola and packaged energy bars, are also spared the mark. High sugar intake may increase the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic health conditions.
2. Pancakes
Pancakes are a family favorite choice for a weekend breakfast menu. Pancakes contain milk and eggs, which if processed properly can help the effort to trim the fat around the abdomen. However, pancakes are processed in somewhat different ways, in order to achieve their unique shape and texture.Although protein levels in protein are still higher than other breakfast menus, the main ingredient of pancakes is white flour. Many researchers believe that smooth processed flour plays an important role against insulin resistance and diabetes.In addition, regular pancakes are accompanied by a splash of sugar syrup or brown jam and a sprinkling of refined sugar, which contains high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup can cause inflammation that promotes insulin resistance, which can also cause prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.3. Omelette
Eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can eat without guilt. Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, healthy fats, as well as many important vitamins and minerals. Eggs are also very filling but so low in calories, make eggs as an excellent menu choice for your diet.But the omelette can quickly turn to betray your weight loss plan as you fill it with scooped butter, grated cheese, and a slice of fatty meat.Fill your omelette with slices of various fresh vegetables instead, which can add fiber and nutrient intake.4. Toast and sandwiches
5. Coffee
"Unless you have a sensitivity to caffeine or a medical condition that makes you obliged not to consume coffee, coffee can be a tasty and useful breakfast menu to improve your mood and brain function," said a health expert. Lisa Davis, Vice President of Scientific and Clinical Affairs at Medifast, quoted from Shape.What you add to your cup of coffee is very influential. Sugar, whitening syrup, whipped cream, creamers can turn a simple cup of black coffee into a fat-making potion. For example, consuming a warm vanilla latte the size of a grande with regular white milk means you will get an extra intake of 300 calories and 15 grams of fat. And if you regularly consume additional coffee with at least one cup (or more) each day, then do not tap if the fat around the belly fat thickens.Eits, but if you think non-dairy creams are a healthier alternative sweetener, hold that thought first. Many non-dairy cream products are actually just exchanging saturated fats with trans fats, plus sugar and artificial sweeteners. Trans fats increase the risk of heart attack and stroke by increasing LDL cholesterol.6. Fried rice
Fried rice is a breakfast menu of a million people. But although a favorite, fried rice is a source of high cholesterol. A plate of fried rice is rich in calories and fat. The amount of oil used to fry is a factor that plays a major role in determining the final fat content. Adding slices of fatty meat also increases fat levels, especially if the meat has been fried before being put in the rice.A plate of fried rice can also be made with a variety of additional sauces that are usually made with oil. Due to the wide variety of preparation methods, ingredients, and portion size of fried rice, its fat content is reported to vary from 3 g to 40 grams.
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