
Causes, Characteristic and How to Cure Acne Stone (Cystic Acne)

Acne makes the face look dirty, acne makes the face becomes invisible. girls and men, each will get infected with acne at any time. If one acne has appeared, then you definitely wish to urge obviate associate degree acne. As a result, the ignorant fingers can try and get obviate the acne with all the strength. The habit remains largely done by girls and men. particularly girls WHO feel disturbed by the presence of acne.

When one fruit acne isn't with success removed, then there's a way of annoyance. The hand that was accustomed try and get obviate acne, are going to be rubbed on the face. that is what triggers a lot of and a lot of acne growth. as a result of your hands ar calculated to hold the dirt from acne can carry over the unfold. 
Causes, Characteristic and How to Cure Acne Sstone (Cystic Acne)

Being dangerous once the kind of acne that grows on your face is acne stone (Cystic acne). What's acne stone (Cystic acne), of course, should be best-known to be alert whenever acne grows on the face. Acne stone (Cystic acne) may be a sort of acne that grows with a tough nature. once the acne on your face press, your fingers feel a hardened skin.

Moreover, you may wince in pain once pressing the hickey of stone although slowly. It may be aforesaid that acne stones embody acne that's still troublesome to get rid of. it's necessary to worry with associate degree professional doctor for acne stone (Cystic acne) which will are progressively unfold may be resolved shortly.

Cystic acne may be a giant acne, with severe inflammation, gathered everywhere the face. Patients with cystic acne sometimes even have shut family WHO suffers from this sort of acne. Genetically the sufferer has:

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1. active oil glands that flood the pores with oil glands,
2. Growth of abnormal skin cells which will not regenerate as quick as traditional skin
3. Have associate degree excessive response to the inflammation that leaves marks on the skin

Characteristic of Acne Stone (Cystic Acne)

1. Large Size

The most noticeable feature of Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) is its size which tends to be larger than other types of acne. Usually, Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) has a liquid in it that will make this acne seem to swell in your facial skin, which makes Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) can be easily seen with the eye.
In fact, with the application of cosmetics was Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) is still visible. If you apply a cosmetic that is too thick to cover acne stone, then it would be the cause of inflamed acne.

2. Regular Growing On Oily Skin Type

According to research results, Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) will tend to occur in people who have an oily skin type compared with people with dry skin types. Therefore, oily skin type will be very vulnerable to cause acne stone. This happens because Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) usually arises because of hormonal imbalance that occurs due to puberty phase, menstrual phase, stress, or eating the wrong foods.

3. More often arise in men

In addition to more frequent on oily skin, Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) is also more common in men than in women. Well, why such a thing can happen? This is because men have oil glands or sebaceous glands are more active than women.

In addition, the hormone that causes acne, the androgen hormones, there are more in men when compared with women. Androgen hormones that many will cause hormone imbalance. As mentioned above, oily skin types and hormonal imbalances are factors why Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) can occur.

 4. Textured Hard and Feels Painful

If you have acne stone, then, of course, the acne that arises is large. In addition, if you touch by hand, then Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) has a hard texture because it is Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) is formed by the fluid containing the bacteria of pus. Because of the hard texture, it is surprising not if this acne is called acne stone?

In addition to having a hard texture, Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) will usually also be very painful, although the acne is not you touch. If you touch acne stone, even if only thin, then your skin will feel sore and your Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) will be flushed which will eventually cause Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) becomes increasingly inflamed.

5. Contains liquid pine

Another most noticeable feature of Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) is the contents of the Acne Stone (Cystic Acne). Usually, Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) will have a pus that if you solve it by hand, it will be harmful to your skin health effects. Have you ever noticed the large acne that is white or yellow and very clearly visible to the eye?

When you have acne stone, then this acne will greatly disturb your appearance as a whole. However, you must remember that you are not allowed to touch it let alone punch it because if you squeeze pimple stones, then you will experience the danger of squeezing pimples, the pus inside will come out and will be harmful to your skin.

6. Can spread quickly in the skin

This is one of the characteristics of Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) that you should look at. In the above discussion, you already know not that you are not allowed to hold or squeeze pimple stone? Well, what's the reason? This is because when you squeeze pimples of stone, then you will feel the effect due to pimples squeezed, the pus contained in the acne will come out and spread quickly to the skin area around your acne.

Well, the pus contained in the Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) contains bacteria that will quickly infect the surrounding skin and cause inflammation or inflammation that can lead to acne-other Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) in your skin. Very horrible is not it? Therefore, never squeeze the Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) on your skin if you do not want the Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) to spread in your skin.

7. Hard to Eliminate

One of the characteristics of Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) that may be troubling everyone who has it is a fact that Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) will be very difficult to remove. If you silence the Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) that arises in your skin, then the acne will stick to your skin with a relatively long time compared to other types of acne. If you try to eliminate it roughly by breaking the Acne Stone (Cystic Acne), then it will be the condition of your skin will get worse.

Well, therefore, it takes extra patience in eliminating acne stone. It is better you use herbal ingredients that can eliminate Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) without any side effects, or if you have excess funds, can also use the drug Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) in pharmacies or medical technology that will eliminate Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) quickly, using laser technology.

8. Potentially Big Cause of Acne Scars

In addition to hard to remove, Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) was also going to potentially cause acne scars when the Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) is already deflated. This is because Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) is considered the most severe acne than other types of acne, so the potential for this acne pimples cause your skin will grow larger.

Well, acne scars caused by Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) was not kidding. If the commonly used acne scars are black marks, the marks left by the Acne Stone (Cystic Acne) are reddish or blackish pockmarks and the most severe is the appearance of holes in your facial skin.


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