
You Must Know, The Cause of Sputum Cough Around You and How Treat at Home

Before I discuss cough medicine, it is important to discuss also the cause of a cough. Sputum Cough is a cough that is accompanied by a thick liquid or mucus (mucus) basically the body is created by the Almighty work is completely automated, for example in this case that a cough is the body's way to remove sputum (mucus) to mucus/phlegm does not clog respiratory tract and cleansing of the lungs and respiratory tract.
The Cause of Sputum Cough Around You and How Treat
Coughing up phlegm occurs when your lungs get an infection so as to produce more sputum than normal levels, consequently, there is phlegm in your throat when you a cough. how to treat it should be adapted to the type of a cough if you consume cough medicine for dry cough medicine it will be very possible that the phlegm that should come out of your respiratory cavity cannot even get out, then this will cause negative effects of its own complaints. Therefore it is very important for us to know in advance what kind of a cough we suffer. Below is the cause of a cough with phlegm you should know include:

  1. Viruses: because flu and colds are caused by viruses while Cough sputum is usually experienced along with flu or cold, and the mucus in the throat comes from the nose. 
  2. Infections: respiratory tract infections such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, and pneumonia, the presence of a cough with phlegm is only a symptom of the disease. 
  3. Increase in stomach acid: high stomach acid can trigger acid reflux disease, acid esophagus with heat properties, in addition, can hurt throat acid reflux can stimulate coughing up phlegm especially when waking up in the morning. 
  4. Nasal discharge: a term in which a viscous fluid derived from a sinus descending from the throat of a person experiencing it will cough up phlegmatically or as if something must be excreted from the throat. 
  5. Cigarette smoke: cigarette smoke can also cause a cough with phlegm, this is because the entry of cigarette smoke into the respiratory tract can cause irritation and damage to lung tissue.

Tips / How to Relieve Coughing Up Sputum

Before we discuss more how to treat a phlegm cough with traditional and natural medicine, there are some tips to relieve a cough with phlegm that you should do include:

  • Keep your body warm
  • While in a state of a cough with phlegm try not to smoke or drink alcoholic beverages
  • Get enough rest and do not get too bad when working
  • Drink plenty of warm water
  • not in a dusty place/pollution or a cold place.
  • Keep your mouth and teeth clean
  • Avoid drinking cold water
  • Avoid consuming fried foods/foods containing MSG
  • Do not get too tired

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