
27 Powerful Ways to Overcome Child & Baby Difficult to Eat

Powerful Ways to Overcome Child & Baby Difficult to Eat -Problems of children hard to eat a lot complained of parents, especially mothers.

Many mothers are confused face of her baby, who worried about the nutritional adequacy of her baby. Not to mention if the child is difficult to eat or picky food.

There are several causes that mambuat small difficult to eat. It usually begins when it is in its first year.

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The problem is usually reject food, do not like vegetables, just want to eat that-that's all until mengemut food linger.

This condition makes the mother worried about the adequacy of nutrition, considering the child is still in the growth period.


How to cope with hard-to-eat children:

# 1. Serve the food in small portions

What mothers need to know, that the baby's stomach is not able to accommodate a lot of food. So avoid forcing children to eat too much.

Food with a small portion will make the child is not lazy to eat, and reduce saturation when eating. To fix this, try to increase the frequency of eating children with small portions.

# 2. Reward the rewards
When the child is hard to eat, try occasionally giving a gift to them. Young children are usually very happy with the gift from parents.

So that way, children who are lazy to eat, later can become voracious. Children are usually excited if parents promise something they like.

Should provide a kind of educational reward for children, avoid giving rewards such as sweet foods, high fat, fried foods, and the like, which actually adversely affect the child.

# 3. Create a variety of foods

The mothers need to make some food choices, then let the baby choose the food that he likes, because usually the child prefers the food of his choice, so he can eat with more spirit.

# 4. Serve the food attractively

In order for children interested and more enthusiasm to eat, then serve food with an attractive appearance. Such as printing fried rice in teddy bear prints, small ducks, etc.

Or also the food is placed in a container that is liked the little one, the rice is printed using a form that is liked the little one, or can also add decoration for food to be interesting.

# 5. Create a fun eating conditions

The elderly is not good at threatening or scaring the child so that he wants to eat. Too often do that, it is feared the child will feel that eating is an unpleasant time ...

... so it can cause psychic trauma for children when considering about food.

Eating together becomes an important moment of interaction between parents and children. Parents can be fun friends at the dinner table. That makes the relationship of parents and children more closely.

During meal time, minimize the disturbance, things to do such as turning off the television and keep the toys off the dinner table.

Parents do not create a "horror" atmosphere when children eat. Avoid scolding children at mealtimes. Because it can make a child very dislike eating time. In the end, the child is getting lazy to eat.

# 6. Reduce the snack outside

As much as possible minimize the child to always snack outside, because of course the food outside is very concerned about low nutrients or uncontrolled.

Often eat or snack outside, making the child becomes difficult to be invited to eat at home.

# 7. Eat regularly

Mothers should try to schedule a child's meal time so that children can eat regularly.

This makes your child will get used to eating time. Similarly, the child's sleep time, bathing, etc.

# 8. Give your child a healthy snack

After the child can walk, then memubatnya find a new passion that is exploring with the environment.

Especially when children enter the age of 2 years, then the activity will be more and more. This condition makes it difficult for children to sit sweet and eat calmly.

For mothers, then can menyiasatinya by providing healthy snacks in children.

It is recommended to make healthy snacks in various forms. For example, make potato balls of carrot and minced meat, etc.

# 9. Involve the child in preparing the food

Some things that can be done, such as asking for help to children to bring fruit or vegetables in supermarkets. Or also ask the children to help prepare food at the dinner table.

In addition, his parents need to be a clerk for his son. When parents consume healthy food, then the child will imitate. Exemplary parenting helps the child's diet to be good.

# 10. Invite the child to exercise

Encourage the child to exercise, or at least make his body move. When children exercise then the heart rate will increase. This makes the burning of calories in the body to increase, so it can mencafulkan appetite.

# 11. Use brightly colored plates

Research has proven that how to increase the appetite of children can be by using brightly colored plates when the child is eating.

Research says that the color of the plate can change the appetite. Color that is considered effective enough to increase appetite is red, yellow or orange.

According to research, the best color to keep appetite is red. Researchers explained that the bright colors can make the heart become happier and the appetite also hooked.

# 12. Eating oranges

Citrus fruit is rich in vitamin C. In the body, vitamin C serves to boost the immune system, it also can increase appetite. So, you can give orange fruit to the child, or other vitamin C intake ...

... which makes the child will have an appetite, as well as optimizing the metabolic processes in the body.

In addition to vitamin C, how to increase your appetite is dengna provide intake of B and zinc. Vitamin B can increase appetite and mood control, as well as the function of zinc intake.

Therefore, if there is someone who kekurangnan vitamin B and zinc, his appetite will usually be reduced.

# 13. Limit the provision of drinks on the sidelines of mealtimes
Drink, whether it is water, fresh fruit juice or anything else is what the child needs, but if giving the child a drink while eating, make the child feel bloated by himself making it difficult to eat.

# 14. React food types that children do not like
You can slip or hide any kind of vegetable or fruit that your child does not like. For example, children do not like bananas and carrots, then you can outsmart by making a banana cake or carrot muffins for him.

# 15. Recommend a variety of children severhat eat early age so he always has a good appetite.

# 16. Do not hunt children to eat quickly. Because this makes the child uncomfortable when eating. So that will make the child difficult to want to eat.

# 17. Encourage the child when you are preparing his diet, give praise so that children feel happy and more eager to eat

# 18. If the child likes snacks, then give a snack long before the main meal time arrives. Give healthy snacks, such as diced fruits, steamed carrots, yoghurt, etc. Avoid giving chocolate, candy, snacks containing MSG because it reduces the child's appetite.

# 19. Serve the food attractively, not mixed between rice and side dishes. Use a plate that he liked, separate the rice with side dishes so it looks interesting.

# 20. During the course of the meal, keep in good communication with the child, so the child thinks that eating is a fun time.

# 21. Arrange well with drinking at meals, not too much to drink because the child will feel full quickly and lazy to spend his food.

# 22. Apply a family meal. By looking at parents and other family members (older siblings, grandparents, etc.) eating food, children are interested in eating.

# 23. You can change the way of processing and serving the food so that it looks fresh and appealing. For example, make sate balls of minced meat, fried potato balls, fish and fried chicken with fried flour, etc.

# 24. If you can, grow vegetables and fruits in the garden with your child, so make him prefer the food he eats. If the child wants, do not forbid children to help you care for the plants in the garden.

# 25. Do not over-force the child to eat, such as forcing to scoop the food into his mouth, whereas the child struggles hard to refuse to eat. This prevents choking hazards in children, and also feared the child becomes traumatized or scared when eating hours.

# 26. You can provide multi-vitamin or supplement your child's appetite enhancer, Curcuma Plus and Vidoran plus. Senawa curcuma and amino acids contained in it serves to increase the absorption of food juice in the digestive tract, thus increasing appetite.

# 27. If the child is still difficult to eat for a long time, it can indicate malnutrition, it is advisable to visit a doctor or nutritionist to consult.

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