37 Powerful Tips to Stop Smoking Forever
Another thing that is getting more determined to quit smoking, is to save your own money. You can see the people around you, mother, child and wife. Do you not feel sorry if every day have to inhale your cigarette smoke?
There are many stories that passive smokers have a high risk of death. Ever heard of a child who died of pneumonia? The illness arises from the toxic cigarette smoke attached to the father's shirt, even though the father never once smokes near his son.
The money we have, instead of being used for family members indirectly, is better spent on pleasing them, like buying good food for them, inviting exciting and fun walks, for future education of children who may wish to cultivate in faculty of medicine, and so on.
Begin to avoid the various triggers that cause your desire to smoke, such as coffee, alcohol, evening events, arguing to dizziness that eventually smokes cigarettes and other things.
At the same time, while reducing the consumption of cigarettes as much as possible, and while looking for various other busyness.
To overcome quite easily, replace it with eating candy mint or ginger candy. So slowly, of course you will get used to.
In addition, so they will not smoke in front of you, because if they keep smoking in front of you it can thwart your efforts in barhenti smoking.
Express this good intentions to your spouse, family, and best friends. They will care for you, and will definitely support for a healthy life, where support is very meaningful.
People closest to you will often remind you of the target to quit smoking, as well as its health benefits. So it can effectively muffle if the desire to smoke back.
Do not forget, ask friends and family to not smoke in front of you, not offer cigarettes, and leave no cigarettes around you.
Because when hanging out with people who do not smoke can minimize the desire to smoke.
In addition, if you associate with people who are successful in quitting smoking, they will surely tell you the success story of successfully quitting smoking, which will further motivate you and also increase your optimism to successfully quit smoking.
With a body that often comes out sweat, make us encouraged to be aware of the importance of health.
By knowing the importance of health it will trigger themselves to be more able to leave the cigarette, because in fact all humans have agreed that smoking is very dangerous. It's just that they are not too concerned with his own health.
By drinking water, it is also useful to overcome the sour taste in the mouth, and generally healthy body.
When the desire appears to be smoking, then drink one glass of water, which in itself the desire to smoke to be lost.
If this happens (hopefully not) then do not give up. In the days tomorrow still trying to refrain from smoking. Do not let slack spirit to stop smoking, fertilize the spirit on a daily basis.
Another thing that is getting more determined to quit smoking, is to save your own money. You can see the people around you, mother, child and wife. Do you not feel sorry if every day have to inhale your cigarette smoke?
There are many stories that passive smokers have a high risk of death. Ever heard of a child who died of pneumonia? The illness arises from the toxic cigarette smoke attached to the father's shirt, even though the father never once smokes near his son.
The money we have, instead of being used for family members indirectly, is better spent on pleasing them, like buying good food for them, taking fun and fun walks, for future education of children who might want to be cultivated in
Remember, when you get sick from a cigarette, which makes you hard on your own, so family members will get in trouble.
Like when the lung cancer is very severe, due to smoking too much. So the hard and suffering is you and your family.
It is important to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, until you stop smoking completely at a set target.
When it is nearing the date, you must be mentally and emotionally ready to actually quit smoking, remember do not delay it again. If delayed, resulting in a greater risk of failure to quit smoking,
This is the mindset. Embed in mind that stopping cigarettes is a sure thing to do. To help, then look for information about the dangers of smoking, which is very much the chronic disease it causes.
Worse, if they even force you to smoke, and they even lower your morale in the effort to quit smoking. If the situation is like that, then it is necessary to limit the relationship with them. Prioritize gathering with friends who do not smoke.
When facing difficulties in temptation, try to frequently consume dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
In a survey conducted, showed that eating the foods mentioned that can provide unpleasant taste in smoking. So the desire of smoking decreased.
In addition, it is advisable to remove the ashtray in the house, do not put the ashtray right in front of where you usually relax sitting, because it can trigger the desire to smoke.
You can divert the desire to smoke in an intense activity, such as sports activities, walking, cycling etc.
Similarly when ignin sitting around drinking coffee with friends, then choose a place that contains kebiajakan non-smoking area.
For that, make your hand hold anything (except cigarettes), as often hold pens, pencils, scrap paper, laptop, smarpthone etc., so that Ada's hand will be protected from cigarettes.
But If falling in a trap, then do not punish yourself too hard. You need to get up, and keep trying not to make the same mistakes again, and you can be confident to avoid smoking again.
It is important to ask the Lord of the heavens and the earth, to help you to be able to avoid the temptation of a cigarette.
When quitting smoking, your skin will get more oxygen, thus preventing premature aging, and preventing the appearance of wrinkles.
But what actually happens is that smokers are experiencing withdrawal symptoms from nicotine, so it's as if smoking will be soothing.
The calming effect of nicotine is only temporary. Nicotine is not a drug to relieve stress. Indeed, according to research, that stress levels of people who quit smoking will decline rather than when they are still smoking.
Surveys also show that acupuncture can increase vitality and fertility, and help the brain to think more clearly.
In addition to the performance and quality of sex for the better, the blood flow will be more smoothly specifically in men will experience a better erection, as for women become more easily aroused and have an orgasm.
With that kind of money, you can use for very useful things, so it's not just burning for nothing.
Or you can also do household chores like sweeping, mopping floors, to watering plants.
When the desire to smoke appears in the office, then can divert it just by moving from the chair and walk around or outside the room.
25. Give yourself credit for your efforts. So you need to reward yourself for the success of non-smoking days, by buying something special, or going for a fun walk.
26. Think positive. Do not think that quitting smoking as a sacrifice. You need to know and always remember it, that with berheti smoking you will get a lot of benefits.
27. Avoid the temptation of smoking after eating. Where not a few people tend to smoke after a meal. When the meal is over, look for other activities such as useful website browsing, or also stand up from the table after a meal or a walk, thus preventing you from smoking after a meal.
28. Sleep more soundly. Try to sleep with more nyeyak, try this. This makes you wake up fit and fresh in the morning, so terbindari of the risk of stress that triggers a person wants to smoke.
29. If there is, put a cigarette in a place that is difficult to find, at least do not put cigarettes in front of the TV, which is at high risk cause uapaya stop smoking fail.
30. Make an appointment with the closest person (such as wife and children), tell them you will never smoke again, if caught smoking then you have to pay a fine, for example Rp 10,000. This seems to be effective enough to completely eliminate the desire to smoke.
31. Divert with various activities, because usually people will smoke if there is free time. So make a lot of busyness, set your schedule as tight as possible.
32. Enough Rest. So when going to smoke choose to just sleep alone. This helps you to quit smoking.
33. Visit non-smoking areas, such as air-conditioned places, or non-smoking areas.
34. Know about the dangers of smoking, it is advisable to look for images of smoking, which is certainly a scary image, then print in large size and paste on the wall or place you often see. This strategy is effective enough to make people afraid to smoke.
35. Always prepare candy in the bag. So when the desire to smoke comes, chew something, like candy. So the desire of smoking is gone.
36. Jejali your brain or mind with the negative effects of smoking, until finally able to change the perception to be positive, that there are many advantages of quitting smoking.
37. Stop smoking from now on, do not ever get dumped even if you have, then keep your best effort to quit smoking.
There are many stories that passive smokers have a high risk of death. Ever heard of a child who died of pneumonia? The illness arises from the toxic cigarette smoke attached to the father's shirt, even though the father never once smokes near his son.
The money we have, instead of being used for family members indirectly, is better spent on pleasing them, like buying good food for them, inviting exciting and fun walks, for future education of children who may wish to cultivate in faculty of medicine, and so on.
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How to stop smoking
1. Strong determination to Stop Smoking
100% immediate stop smoking effort is difficult to do instantly, because the temptation to smoke is very large, so in the effort to stop smoking requires a high patience, prepare this.Begin to avoid the various triggers that cause your desire to smoke, such as coffee, alcohol, evening events, arguing to dizziness that eventually smokes cigarettes and other things.
At the same time, while reducing the consumption of cigarettes as much as possible, and while looking for various other busyness.
2. Change Cigarettes with Candy Or Other
This method is quite effective, namely to replace the cigarette with candy, ice, and so on. Where people are accustomed to smoking it will feel bitter acid in the mouth if not smoking.To overcome quite easily, replace it with eating candy mint or ginger candy. So slowly, of course you will get used to.
3. Say Desire to Stop Smoking in Close People
It needs to be said to the close people that you are determined to quit smoking. This is useful for people around to do support to you.In addition, so they will not smoke in front of you, because if they keep smoking in front of you it can thwart your efforts in barhenti smoking.
Express this good intentions to your spouse, family, and best friends. They will care for you, and will definitely support for a healthy life, where support is very meaningful.
People closest to you will often remind you of the target to quit smoking, as well as its health benefits. So it can effectively muffle if the desire to smoke back.
Do not forget, ask friends and family to not smoke in front of you, not offer cigarettes, and leave no cigarettes around you.
4. Hanging out with the Right People
With regard to nonor 3, prioritize associating with people who do not smoke, and preferably associate with people who have successfully quit smoking.Because when hanging out with people who do not smoke can minimize the desire to smoke.
In addition, if you associate with people who are successful in quitting smoking, they will surely tell you the success story of successfully quitting smoking, which will further motivate you and also increase your optimism to successfully quit smoking.
5. Sports
With frequent sports, it can minimize the desire to quit smoking. You can do a variety of sports that are lightweight just like doing jogging and so forth.With a body that often comes out sweat, make us encouraged to be aware of the importance of health.
By knowing the importance of health it will trigger themselves to be more able to leave the cigarette, because in fact all humans have agreed that smoking is very dangerous. It's just that they are not too concerned with his own health.
6. Drink More White Water
By drinking more water, it can help the body in eliminating toxins and also substances that make opium. So it can reduce the body's desire to smoke.By drinking water, it is also useful to overcome the sour taste in the mouth, and generally healthy body.
When the desire appears to be smoking, then drink one glass of water, which in itself the desire to smoke to be lost.
7. Do not Rave
For people who are highly addicted to smoking, and perhaps because their addiction eventually fails also refrain from smoking.If this happens (hopefully not) then do not give up. In the days tomorrow still trying to refrain from smoking. Do not let slack spirit to stop smoking, fertilize the spirit on a daily basis.
8. For Whom You Quit Smoking
Need to make up your determination and intention. Who do you stop smoking for? For yourself, your family and the people who love you. The faster you quit smoking and live healthier, the sooner your body organs damaged by cigarettes will gradually recover.Another thing that is getting more determined to quit smoking, is to save your own money. You can see the people around you, mother, child and wife. Do you not feel sorry if every day have to inhale your cigarette smoke?
There are many stories that passive smokers have a high risk of death. Ever heard of a child who died of pneumonia? The illness arises from the toxic cigarette smoke attached to the father's shirt, even though the father never once smokes near his son.
The money we have, instead of being used for family members indirectly, is better spent on pleasing them, like buying good food for them, taking fun and fun walks, for future education of children who might want to be cultivated in
9. Do not Disturb All Cigarettes
After walking some time from the effort to quit smoking, with positive things that have then do not hesitate to throw all the remaining cigarettes. Keep in mind your determination and intentions.Remember, when you get sick from a cigarette, which makes you hard on your own, so family members will get in trouble.
Like when the lung cancer is very severe, due to smoking too much. So the hard and suffering is you and your family.
10. Set Target Time
Set a time target (such as 2-3 weeks) to actually be able to quit smoking. However, keep in mind during this period, make sure it does not coincide with the stress conditions experienced due to other problems.It is important to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, until you stop smoking completely at a set target.
When it is nearing the date, you must be mentally and emotionally ready to actually quit smoking, remember do not delay it again. If delayed, resulting in a greater risk of failure to quit smoking,
11. Change your Mindset
Not a few who say that quitting smoking is difficult, this mindset needs to be changed. Just imagine when someone eats rice. Suddenly the rice drops litter dirt from the roof of the house, it spontaneously stops eating, will even actually stop eating, whereas before very hungry, but because there is falling lizard droppings, instantly the stomach so full.This is the mindset. Embed in mind that stopping cigarettes is a sure thing to do. To help, then look for information about the dangers of smoking, which is very much the chronic disease it causes.
12. Stay away as much as a Smoking Friend
Try as much as possible to stay away from friends who like to smoke, precisely in the association that contains the 'enthusiast' cigarettes. Where when left-right everything smoking, it is feared will menggalan your efforts to stop doing it.Worse, if they even force you to smoke, and they even lower your morale in the effort to quit smoking. If the situation is like that, then it is necessary to limit the relationship with them. Prioritize gathering with friends who do not smoke.
13. Avoid Habits That Make You Smoke
Avoid triggering the desire to smoke, like drinking lots of coffee let alone alcohol, hanging out with friends who smokers, attending a good night show, arguing with other oirang to head dizzy so end up smoking,When facing difficulties in temptation, try to frequently consume dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
In a survey conducted, showed that eating the foods mentioned that can provide unpleasant taste in smoking. So the desire of smoking decreased.
In addition, it is advisable to remove the ashtray in the house, do not put the ashtray right in front of where you usually relax sitting, because it can trigger the desire to smoke.
14. Find busyness
Find busy with the things you like, so avoid leaving a lot of vacant time, so it occurred to the desire to smoke again.You can divert the desire to smoke in an intense activity, such as sports activities, walking, cycling etc.
15. Visit Non Smoking Places
Try to spend hours in a day where smoking is not allowed, such as libraries, etc.Similarly when ignin sitting around drinking coffee with friends, then choose a place that contains kebiajakan non-smoking area.
16. Make Your Hands Busy
One reason people keep smoking, because (based on the survey conducted) that smoking has something to do with what they do with their hands.For that, make your hand hold anything (except cigarettes), as often hold pens, pencils, scrap paper, laptop, smarpthone etc., so that Ada's hand will be protected from cigarettes.
17. Do not Fall On the Trap "one cigarette"
Dismiss the temptation of "just one bar". It is important to remember that once you smoke one cigarette, it is detrimental to quitting smoking. That's because if it has fallen on the temptation of one bar, then one other stems immediately follow.But If falling in a trap, then do not punish yourself too hard. You need to get up, and keep trying not to make the same mistakes again, and you can be confident to avoid smoking again.
It is important to ask the Lord of the heavens and the earth, to help you to be able to avoid the temptation of a cigarette.
18. Remember, No Smoking = Youth
Because smoking can reduce the intake of oxygen to the skin, which causes the skin look old.When quitting smoking, your skin will get more oxygen, thus preventing premature aging, and preventing the appearance of wrinkles.
19. Know, Smoking is Triggering stress
During this time almost all smokers think that smoking can cope with stress thanks to the content of nicotine in it.But what actually happens is that smokers are experiencing withdrawal symptoms from nicotine, so it's as if smoking will be soothing.
The calming effect of nicotine is only temporary. Nicotine is not a drug to relieve stress. Indeed, according to research, that stress levels of people who quit smoking will decline rather than when they are still smoking.
20. Try Acupuncture
Acupuncture becomes a natural method for overcoming nicotine addiction. By doing 3-5 visits therapy is considered able to reduce the intensity of symptoms, such as psychological problems, anxiety, depression, to nicotine dependence.Surveys also show that acupuncture can increase vitality and fertility, and help the brain to think more clearly.
21. Remember !! No Smoking Can Increase Fertility
The lining of the uterus and the quality of sperm will improve after quitting smoking. So by quitting smoking, the chance to have children becomes higher.In addition to the performance and quality of sex for the better, the blood flow will be more smoothly specifically in men will experience a better erection, as for women become more easily aroused and have an orgasm.
22. Remember !! No smoking = Saves Money
Quitting smoking will save you money. If a day you can spend a pack of cigarettes for Rp. 13.000, then in a month you can save Rp. 390.000, in a year Rp. 4.680.000.With that kind of money, you can use for very useful things, so it's not just burning for nothing.
23. Medical Treatment
You can consult the desire to quit smoking to the doctor. Usually the medical step used is nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). The effects of nicotine can actually be obtained from chewing gums or nicotine-containing suction tablets.24. Move Body
In addition to making a healthy body of course, actively moving able to divert the desire to smoke. You can run around the house complex, or can also do other fun movements like jumping rope, sit-ups etc, which to do so does not need special preparation.Or you can also do household chores like sweeping, mopping floors, to watering plants.
When the desire to smoke appears in the office, then can divert it just by moving from the chair and walk around or outside the room.
25. Give yourself credit for your efforts. So you need to reward yourself for the success of non-smoking days, by buying something special, or going for a fun walk.
26. Think positive. Do not think that quitting smoking as a sacrifice. You need to know and always remember it, that with berheti smoking you will get a lot of benefits.
27. Avoid the temptation of smoking after eating. Where not a few people tend to smoke after a meal. When the meal is over, look for other activities such as useful website browsing, or also stand up from the table after a meal or a walk, thus preventing you from smoking after a meal.
28. Sleep more soundly. Try to sleep with more nyeyak, try this. This makes you wake up fit and fresh in the morning, so terbindari of the risk of stress that triggers a person wants to smoke.
29. If there is, put a cigarette in a place that is difficult to find, at least do not put cigarettes in front of the TV, which is at high risk cause uapaya stop smoking fail.
30. Make an appointment with the closest person (such as wife and children), tell them you will never smoke again, if caught smoking then you have to pay a fine, for example Rp 10,000. This seems to be effective enough to completely eliminate the desire to smoke.
31. Divert with various activities, because usually people will smoke if there is free time. So make a lot of busyness, set your schedule as tight as possible.
32. Enough Rest. So when going to smoke choose to just sleep alone. This helps you to quit smoking.
33. Visit non-smoking areas, such as air-conditioned places, or non-smoking areas.
34. Know about the dangers of smoking, it is advisable to look for images of smoking, which is certainly a scary image, then print in large size and paste on the wall or place you often see. This strategy is effective enough to make people afraid to smoke.
35. Always prepare candy in the bag. So when the desire to smoke comes, chew something, like candy. So the desire of smoking is gone.
36. Jejali your brain or mind with the negative effects of smoking, until finally able to change the perception to be positive, that there are many advantages of quitting smoking.
37. Stop smoking from now on, do not ever get dumped even if you have, then keep your best effort to quit smoking.
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